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  • I-Witness

Nomination Day will be held on 30 June 2020 (Tuesday). Nomination proceedings will commence from 11.00am, and will be covered by the national broadcaster on its channels for voters to stay updated on nomination proceedings.

Candidates and their subscribers (i.e. proposers, seconders, assentors, and one other person) are reminded to arrive early. Parking is not allowed at the Nomination Centres. The Returning Officer will only allow candidates and their subscribers, as well as accredited media personnel, entry into the Nomination Centres. They must adhere to prevailing safe distancing and safe management measures at all times.

As large group gatherings are not allowed under prevailing MOH guidelines, supporters and members of the public will not be allowed entry and should not gather or loiter in the vicinity of the Nomination Centres. Security personnel deployed on the ground will advise such persons to leave the area. The Police would also like to remind members of the public that it is an offence under the Public Order Act to organise or take part in a public assembly or procession without a Police permit.

The Police will be stepping up deployments and conducting security checks in and around the Nomination Centres. Members of the public should not fly any unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drones into or over the Nomination Centres as this could endanger public safety. The Police will take firm action against any person who does so.

The Police will monitor the law and order situation closely, and will not hesitate to take action against any person who is unruly or who commits any offence.

28 June 2020 @ 12:40 PM
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