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    1800 255 0000
  • I-Witness

Redesigned NPP (Self-Help Kiosks Only)

Redesigned NPPs include touch-screen self-help kiosks for you to access Police services with ease. The following self-help services are available:

  1. Submitting Police Report
  2. Returning of Found Property
  3. Traffic matters
    1. Enquire Validity of Driving Licence
    2. Enquire Status of Appeal of Traffic Offence
    3. Enquire Driving Certificate of Merit Eligibility
    4. Enquire and Pay Outstanding Traffic Offences
    5. Enquire Photo-card Driving Licence Delivery Status
    6. Enquire Driver Improvement Points
    7. Application for Provisional Driving Licence
    8. Application for Qualified Driving Licence
    9. Feedback on Road Users
    10. Submit Driver’s Particulars of Traffic Offence Committed
    11. Apply to Appeal for Traffic Offence
    12. Submit Traffic Accident Report
  4. Application of Licenses and Permits
  5. Application for Certificate of Clearance
  6. Others

    1. Apply for Criminal Records for Criminal Case Disclosure Conference
    2. Apply for Certified True Copy of Police Report
    3. Enquire Spent Status of Individual Criminal Record
    4. Enquire Status of Lost/Stolen/Found Property
    5. Enquire Status of Individual Outstanding Warrant of Arrest
    6. ORION (One-stop Real Time Integrated Platform for Outstanding Warrants – For law enforcement agencies)
    7. SONAR (STRO Online Notices and Reporting Platform)
    8. Feedback

Should you require services which are not available at the redesigned NPPs (self-help kiosks), please proceed to the nearest NPC for assistance.

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