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The Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) is the principal white-collar crime investigation agency in Singapore. We investigate into a spectrum of commercial and financial crimes and safeguard Singapore’s integrity as a world-class financial and commercial centre through vigilant and professional enforcement of the laws.



The mission of CAD is to prevent, deter and detect financial crime.



Our vision is to make Singapore the safest and most trusted place for business and finance.



The Commercial Affairs Department has three groups, namely the Enforcement Group, the Financial Investigation Group, and the Intelligence and Admin Group.

  1. Enforcement Group

  2. The Investment Fraud Division investigates complex investment and pyramid selling schemes for suspected fraud and breaches of the Securities and Futures Act and the Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Selling (Prohibition) Act that may arise from the operation of such schemes.

    The Securities Fraud Division investigates into capital market misconduct such as insider trading and share manipulation, as well as other breaches of the Securities and Futures Act. We also investigate fraud committed by the board and senior management of public listed companies, acting in their official capacity.

    The Private Institutional Fraud Division investigates fraud committed by registered directors of private companies, and professionals such as lawyers and public accountants acting in their official capacities. We also investigate into fraudulent timeshare schemes.

    The Public Institutional Fraud Division investigates into fraud in the public sector involving government agencies, charities, societies and other public organisations.


  3. Financial Investigation Group

  4. The Financial Investigation Division I (FID I) deals with money laundering and other offences under the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act (CDSA). We also investigate complex cases of fraud involving employees of financial institutions.

    The Financial Investigation Division II (FID II) investigates terrorism financing offences under the Terrorism (Suppression of Financing) Act (TSOFA). It also facilitates cooperation between CAD and its foreign counterparts to combat transnational crime including money laundering.

    The Financial Investigation Division III (FID III) investigates specialised fraud such as insurance fraud, trade financing fraud, counterfeit currencies, maritime fraud, etc. They also investigate complex money laundering offences and perform concealed income analysis into the financial affairs of defendants to assess and apply to court to confiscate their criminal benefits.

    The Anti-Scam Command (ASCom) consists of Anti-Scam Investigation Branches, the Anti-Scam Centre (ASC) and Scam Strike Team:

    1. The Anti-Scam Investigation Branches (ASIBs) investigate complex cheating and scam cases such as those involving overseas syndicates targeting local victims.

    2. The Anti-Scam Centre (ASC) is the SPF’s nerve centre for investigating scam-related crimes. The ASC disrupts and prevents scam operations so as to mitigate victims’ monetary losses. By establishing direct communications channels and close working relationships with key stakeholders such as local and foreign banks, card security groups, non-bank financial institutions, Fintech companies, cryptocurrency houses and remittance service providers, the ASC and its partners are able to swiftly freeze accounts, recover funds, reduce losses suffered by victims and conduct timely intervention to prevent victims from falling prey to scam.

    3. The Scam Strike Team will be formed at each Police Land Division to enable the SPF to take swifter action against scams, such as those involving money mules in Singapore who facilitate the operations of overseas scammers. The SSTs will work closely with the ASC and ASIB in joint investigations and operations, to tackle and solve syndicated and transnational scam cases.

    The Policy & Operations Division (POD) charts operational strategies and development plans to combat commercial and financial crimes. We promulgate doctrines, operating guidelines and procedures on all investigative operational matters for CAD Divisions and the Commercial Crime Units in the Police Land Divisions.

  5. Intelligence & Admin Group

  6. The Corporate Services Group (CSG) administers CAD’s finance, manpower, administration and corporate planning functions.

    The Intelligence Division (ID) provides field intelligence support to the enforcement arms of CAD. The Division works with local intelligence agencies and overseas law enforcement agencies to exchange and gather information to tackle transnational commercial crimes.

    The Suspicious Transaction Reporting Office (STRO) is Singapore’s Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) and a member of the Egmont Group of FIUs. We are responsible for receiving and analysing Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs), Cash Movement Reports (CMRs) and Cash Transaction Reports (CTRs) and disseminating financial intelligence to combat money laundering, terrorism financing and other serious crimes. We engage and collaborate with the reporting entities, as well as domestic law enforcement and regulatory agencies to carry out our responsibilities.  STRO also collaborates with other foreign FIUs to combat money laundering and terrorism financing.


Candidates that are interested in the Commercial Affairs Scheme may direct their queries to

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