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  • I-Witness

The Police would like to alert the public to a re-emergence of the Police Impersonation scam, involving fake Singapore Police Force (SPF) website phishing for confidential information.

On 7 November 2019, the Police received a report from a 52-year-old woman informing that $3300 had been transferred from her bank account without her consent. The victim purportedly received a call from someone claiming to be from the SPF who alleged that she was involved in illegal activities. The call was subsequently transferred to someone claiming to be a law enforcement officer in China, who directed her to a website resembling the SPF website. The victim was then instructed by the caller to key in her bank account details and password, and One-Time Password (OTP). The victim suspected that she was scammed after receiving a text message alerting that money had been transferred from her account into an overseas account. Police investigations are ongoing.


What to look out for

Victims typically receive calls from scammers claiming that they are the holders of bank accounts with large amounts of money and are suspected of being involved in criminal activities such as money laundering. The victims are then given a link to a website that resembles the SPF website.Subsequently, the victims are asked to provide confidential information such as credit card details and internet banking credentials on the fake SPF website, purportedly for investigation purposes.

Such websites are actually phishing sites in disguise, designed to extract useful personal information and banking details from unsuspecting victims, resulting in extensive monetary losses. The screenshots below show the fake “E-Services” pages where such illicit phishing activities were perpetrated.


Crime prevention measures

12 November 2019 @ 11:45 AM
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