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There are strict laws regulating firearms in Singapore.


The manufacture, use, sale, storage, transport, importation, exportation and possession of firearms are strictly prohibited without a valid licence or approval. Licence applications for self-protection will not be approved, and all other reasons are strictly assessed on a case-by-case basis.


The punishment for any person found in unlawful possession of firearms or ammunition ranges in imprisonment of 5 – 20 years, including caning. Those trafficking in firearms may face the death penalty.


Under the Arms and Explosives (A&E) Act, you have to apply for a licence if you:

  1. Have in your possession or under your control any gun, arms, explosives, explosive precursors, poisonous or noxious gas or noxious substance;

  2. Import any gun, arms, explosives, explosive precursors, poisonous or noxious gas or noxious substance;

  3. Export any gun, arms, explosives, explosive precursors, naval or military stores, poisonous or noxious gas or noxious substance; or

  4. Manufacture or deal in guns, arms, explosives, explosive precursors, poisonous or noxious gas or noxious substance.

You will also be required to apply for a strategic goods permit, on top of a licence, if you are transhipping or transiting items listed in the Fourth and Fifth Schedule of the Strategic Goods (Control) Regulations respectively.

Please click here to visit the Singapore Custom’s website for more information.

For request to import toy gun, please use the Controlled Items Request Form which can be downloaded from Useful Links and Downloads to submit your application.


In the submission, please include the following details:


a.       Make, Model and colour of Toy Gun

b.       Photos of the toy gun

c.       Operating Mechanism (battery, spring, air etc)

d.       Type of Projectile (if any)

e.       Speed of the projectile in Feet per second (FPS)


Please take note that we do not allow the import of toy gun which:

a.       Closely resemble a real gun in make and appearance (e.g replica of real firearms);  

b.       Can easily be modified to look realistic (e.g realistic look models of real firearms in bright colours or are transparent);

c.       can shoot hard projectiles (e.g plastic pellets); or

d.       are Cap Guns (toy gun which creates loud sound and smoke by hitting on caps which contain minute amount of explosive powder)


Click here for Sample of approved toy guns 

Please click here for the list of controlled and prohibited items and common non-regulated weapons.






Subjected to assessment

Not allowed






Not applicable


Do not require licence or approval

Licence, approval or authorisation is required

Not applicable


Unlawful possession of such non-regulated weapons in any public place without any lawful purpose may constitute to an offence of Possession of Offensive Weapon or Scheduled Weapon under the Corrosive and Explosives Substances and Offensive Weapons Act.

Anyone who import, export or is found in possession of such controlled items without any licence, approval or authorisation may be liable for offences under the respective legislations which the items are regulated under.

Anyone who import, export or is found in possession of such prohibited items may be liable for offences under the respective legislations which the items are regulated under.

Example of Offence

A person is found in a public place with a knife and is unable to provide a lawful purpose for the possession.

He may be liable for an offence under the Corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Act.

A person was detected at the checkpoint trying to import an airsoft gun. He does not have a licence to import the airsoft gun which is a controlled item.

He may be liable for an offence under the Arms and Explosives Act.

A person was found with firecrackers which are prohibited under the Dangerous Fireworks Act.

He may be liable for an offence under the Dangerous Fireworks Act.

Criteria for Grant of Licence 

To be eligible for a licence, you must meet the following criteria:  

For applicant

•Be a Singaporean or Permanent Resident of Singapore

•Be at least 21 years old at the time of application

•One of the following business stakeholders as registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority:

i.A Director - For Companies

ii. A Partner - For Partnerships, Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Partnerships

iii. The Sole Proprietor - For Sole Proprietorships


For licence applicant, directors/ partners and staff

•Be a fit and proper person.

The criteria and requirements for a person to be considered fit and proper to hold a licence are (but not limited to) whether the relevant person has honesty, integrity, a good reputation, competence and capability. For more details on the Fit and Proper Criteria for Arms and Explosives Act,Click Here.

•Possess relevant experience and knowledge in handling of explosives.


For company

•Registered with the Registry of Companies and Businesses



Cessation of Individually-Owned Guns



Licensees who wish to cease their individual guns ownership have 3 options:-

  1. Destroy the gun;
  2. Permanently export the gun, or
  3. Transfer the gun ownership to a gun club.



  1. To apply to destroy the licensed guns, the Licensee shall email to Police Licensing & Regulatory Department (PLRD) at with the following information:
    1. State Title/Subject: Application to Destroy Licensed Guns
    2. State gun Licence Number, e.g. <L/GEW/2023/12345>
    3. State reason for the application; and
    4. Attach documents by the armoury operator to confirm the licensed guns’ storage location.


  2. PLRD will issue an approval letter to the Licensee to engage at least 2 armed Auxiliary Police Officer from Certis CISCO Auxiliary Police Force (Certis) to send the licensed guns to NatSteel Recycling Pte Ltd (NatSteel) at 22 Tanjong Kling Road to destroy.


  3. The Licensee will pay for the conveyance, destruction and related fees imposed by Certis.


  4. After the gun is destroyed, NatSteel Recycling Pte Ltd will issue a receipt.


  5. The Licensee shall email this receipt to PLRD at within 7 working days of the destruction using the same email thread.


  6. The Licensee shall terminate his licence through GoBusiness ( using SingPass within 7 working days of the destruction.


  7. GoBusiness will inform the Licensee when the termination is completed.


Permanently Export

  1. To apply for permanent export of the licensed guns, the Licensee shall submit an application for a Licence to Export Arms (Gun) through GoBusiness ( with the following supporting documents:
    1. Reason for the application;
    2. Attach documents by the armoury operator to confirm the licensed guns’ storage location
    3. Attach the ‘Licence to Import Firearms’ issued by the country where the licensed gun is to be exported to.


  2. GoBusiness will inform the Licensee when the application is approved.


  3. The Licensee shall pay for the export licence fee online through GoBusiness and also download a copy of the export licence which has a validity of 30 days.


  4. The Licensee will pay for the conveyance and related fees.


  5. The Licensee shall engage at least 2 armed Auxiliary Police Officers from any Auxiliary Police Force to convey the licensed guns from the place of storage to the point of export within the validity period. [Please note that if both licensed guns and ammunitions are to be exported, the Licensee shall separate the guns and ammunition into 2 separate trips.]


  6. Once the licensed gun is exported, the Licensee shall terminate his Licence through GoBusiness


  7. GoBusiness will inform the Licensee when the termination is completed.


Transfer Ownership to Gun Club

  1. Before applying to transfer ownership of gun, the Licensee shall obtain a written consent (email or letter) from the Gun Club to take over the gun.


  2. The Licensee shall provide a letter of confirmation to the Gun Club on the details of the licensed guns to be transferred and their Licence Numbers.


  3. After receiving the Licensee’s letter of confirmation, the Gun Club shall apply through GoBusiness to ‘Possess-Own the Gun’ for the transfer of ownership. Under the “Method of Gun Possession” field, the Gun Club shall select “Transfer From” and indicate the ‘Existing Licence Number of the Licensed Gun’ of the licensed gun owner that the Gun Club is taking over.


  4. The Gun Club shall provide the ‘Application Number for the Licence to Possess-Own Gun’ to the Licensee for him to submit termination application of his existing licence.


  5. The Licensee shall apply through GoBusiness to terminate his licence to Possess Arms (Gun). Under the ‘Remarks’ fields for the Termination Application, the Licensee should indicate “The Gun is to be transferred to the Gun Club” and the “Gun Club’s Application Number”. The Licensee shall upload gun club’s letter of consent as a supporting document.


  6. GoBusiness will inform the Gun Club when the application is approved.


  7. The Gun Club may proceed to pay for the licence fee online through GoBusiness and download of licence.


  8. The Gun Club shall update the armoury record for the transfer of gun ownership.


  9. After issuance of the licence to the Gun Club, PLRD will process the termination of licence by the Licensee.


  10. GoBusiness will inform the Licensee when the termination is completed.



<Updated on 8 March 2024>



Cessation of Individually Owned Ammunition



From 1 January 2025 onwards, Licensees shall not be allowed to individually own ammunition for sport shooting. Licensees who currently own ammunition may either:

  1. Expend;
  2. Destroy;
  3. Transfer ownership to a gun club; or
  4. Permanently export their ammunition.


From 1 January 2025 onwards, Licensees are allowed to use club-owned ammunition only.



  1. Licensees may plan their sport shooting sessions such that they utilise the remaining ammunition in their possession.


  2. Licensees shall not be in possession of any ammunition from 1 January 2025 onwards. Otherwise, they may be investigated for unlawful possession of ammunition and/or a breach of licence conditions.



  1. To apply to destroy ammunition, the Licensee shall email to Police Licensing & Regulatory Department (PLRD) at with the following information:
    1. State Title/Subject: Application to Destroy Ammunition
    2. State Gun Licence Number eg <L/GEW/2023/12345>
    3. State reasons for the application;
    4. Attach documents from the armoury operator to confirm the ammunition’s storage location; and
    5. Attach documents from the Licensed Explosives Disposal Company stating that it is agreeable to provide the services to destroy the ammunition.


  2. PLRD will issue an approval letter for the Licensee to engage at least 2 Armed Axillary Police Officer to send the ammunition to the Licensed Explosives Disposal Company to destroy.


  3. The Licensee will pay for the conveyance, destruction and any related fees.


  4. After the ammunition is destroyed, the Licensed Explosives Disposal Company will issue a receipt.


  5. The Licensee shall email this receipt to PLRD at within 7 working days of the destruction using the same email thread.


  6. Below are the licensed Explosives Disposal Companies which Licensees may engage to destroy the ammunition. The companies are licensed (as on 1 March 2024) and closer to the date of destruction, licensees should do a due diligence check to ensure the company is still licensed.

    Company Name (dated 1 March 2024)









  7. After the ammunition is destroyed, the Licensee shall ask the gun club for an acknowledgement document by the armoury operator to confirm that the ammunition is no longer stored in the gun club premises.


  8. For Licensee’s information only: the gun club armoury operator shall update the inventory record.


Transfer of Ownership to a Gun Club

  1. Before applying to transfer ownership of ammunition, the Licensee shall seek and obtain written consent (email or hard copy) from their gun club to take over the ammunition.


  2. After receiving the gun club’s letter of consent, the Licensee shall email PLRD at with the following information:
    1. State Title/Subject: Application for Transfer of Personal Ammunition to Gun Club;
    2. State reason for the application; and
    3. Attach document from the gun club indicating agreement to take over the ammunition from Licensee.


  3. After receiving PLRD’s approval, the Licensee shall forward it to the Gun Club and ask that the ownership of ammunition to be transferred.


  4. The Licensee shall ask the Gun Club to confirm that it has completed the transfer of ownership.


  5. The Licensee shall forward the Gun Club’s confirmation to PLRD.

Permanently Export

  1. To apply for approval to permanently export the ammunition, the Licensee shall submit an application for a Licence to Export Explosives through GoBusiness ( and upload the following supporting documents:
    1. Reason for the application;
    2. Confirmation of acknowledgement document by the armoury operator where the ammunition is stored; and
    3. Attach ‘Licence to Import Explosives’ issued by the country where the ammunition is to be exported to.


  2. GoBusiness will notify the Licensee when the application is approved.


  3. The Licensee may proceed to pay for the export licence fee online through GoBusiness and also download a copy of the export licence which has a validity for 30 days.


  4. The Licensee shall pay for the conveyance and related fees.


  5. The Licensee shall engage at least 2 armed Auxiliary Police Officers from any Auxiliary Police Force to convey the ammunition from place of storage to point of export within the validity period. [Please note that if both licensed guns and ammunitions are to be exported, the Licensee shall separate the guns and ammunition into 2 separate trips.]


6. After the ammunition is exported, the Licensee shall ask the Gun Club for a written an acknowledgement (email or hard copy) by the armoury operator to confirm that the ammunition is no longer stored in the gun club’s premises.


7. For Licensee’s information only: the Gun Club shall update the inventory record after the export is completed.



<Updated on 8 March 2024>


Under the Arms and Explosives Act 1913, “arms” means —


firearms, air-guns, air-pistols, stun guns, electronic dart guns, automatic guns, automatic pistols, guns or any other kind of gun from which any shot, bullet or other missile can be discharged or noxious fumes or noxious substance can be emitted, and any component part of any such arms;


bayonets, swords, daggers, spears and spearheads; and


such weapon, accessory, or other article or thing, as the Minister may, by notification in theGazette, specify to be arms for the purposes of this Act or any part thereof;




Types of Arms Licence


Licence Name

Licensing Conditions

Criteria and Documents Required

Base Licence

Possession of Arms (Guns)  

Click here

Click here

(Supply) Dealing in Arms or Weapons (including swords, spearheads, bayonet & daggers)

Click here

Click here



Manufacturing of Guns or Weapons

Click here

Repair of Guns or Weapons (including swords, spearheads, bayonet & daggers)

Click here

Ad-hoc Licence

Import or Export Guns or Weapons

Click here

Click here


Purchase of Guns or Weapons

Not applicable




Licence Name


Base Licence

Possession of Arms or Possession and Purchase of Arms by an Individual/ Schools/ Government Clubs


$440 for a period of not more than 2 years


Blank-firing Firearm or Deactivated firearm

$205 for a period of not more than 2 years


Air gun or pistol or any arms that can propel, or is designed to propel, a projectile by means other than an explosive

$220 for a period of not more than 2 years


Any arm in respect of which a licence under rule 26(1)(a) or (b) is in force

(Possess Arms Class Licence)

$80 for a period of not more than 1 year


Dealing in Guns or Weapons (including swords, spearheads, bayonet & daggers) or Explosives.

Dealing in Guns

$550 for a period of not more than 2 years

Dealing in Swords, Spears, Spearheads, Bayonets and Daggers

$405 for a period of not more than 2 years

Manufacturing of Guns or Weapons

$550 for a period of not more than 2 years

Repair of Guns or Weapons (including swords, spearheads, bayonet & daggers)

$405 for a period of not more than 2 years

Ad-hoc Licence


Import or Export Guns or Weapons

$22 for a period of not more than 30 days / per consignment

Purchase of Guns or Weapons

$22 for a period of not more than 30 days / per purchase

To Deal in Guns or Weapons

$115 for 60 days validity

To Possess Guns

$40 for 60 days validity


Processing Time

About 3 weeks from the receipt of the application, processing fee and the necessary documents, if required. Any incomplete or incorrect submission will be rejected.

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.



You will be directed to GoBusiness Licensing webpage which will require you to sign in using your SingPass or CorpPass.

The process may take about 15-20 minutes to complete.


Click 'Here' To Apply.




You can make the following amendments to your existing Arms licence:

  1. Add or Dispose of Arms*

  2. Submit details of Arms*

  3. Add Particulars of New Employees Handling Arms

  4. Delete or Replace Employees Handling Arms

  5. Change of Contact Person

  6. Change of Director

  7. Change Name or Address of Company/Business

  8. Change Contact Details of Company/Licensee


    *For schools only

Documents Required

You are required to obtain the following documents before amending your existing Arms licence.

Information to be amended

Documents Required

1) Add or Dispose of Arms

2) Submit details of Arms

  • Reason to add or dispose Arms
  • Details and specification of Arms to be added/updated

3) Add Particulars of New Employees Handling Arms

  • Competency certificate or training records of new employees
4) Delete or Replace Employees Handling Arms
  • No document is required
5) Change of Contact Person


6) Change of Director


  • Company’s business profile from ACRA 

7) Change Name or Address of Company/Business

  • Latest company business profile from ACRA
8) Change Contact Details of Company/Licensee
  • No document is required



No fee is required.


Processing Time

About 2 weeks from the receipt of the submission and the necessary documents, if required. Any incomplete or incorrect submission will be rejected.

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.



You will be directed to GoBusiness Licensing webpage which will require you to sign in using your SingPass or CorpPass.

The process may take around 15-20 minutes to complete.


Click 'Here' To Apply


You can withdraw your applications for any Arms licence any time before licence approval.

Please be informed that there will be no refund upon withdrawal of application.

If licence has been approved and issued, you will have to submit a request to terminate licence.


Documents Required

No document is required.



No fee is required.


Processing Time

The withdrawal of application is immediate. 

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.



You will be directed to GoBusiness Licensing webpage which will require you to sign in using your SingPass or CorpPass.

The process may take around 5 minutes to complete.


Click 'Here' To Apply


You are permitted to terminate your existing Arms Licence any time before its expiration.

Please be informed that there will be no refund upon termination of the existing Arms licence.


Documents Required

If your licence has any approved storage premises and there is balance of any stock of arms, you will need to dispose or export the stock before the licence can be terminated.

You will need to provide confirmation that you do not have any stock balance of arms in the storage premises by submitting the following documents:

  1. Company letter to declare no stock balance; and

  2. Updated inventory record.

PLRD may inspect the storage premises to confirm that there is no stock balance before the termination of licence is approved.




No fee is required.


Processing Time

About 2 Weeks from the submission of your Termination Request together with all supporting documents.

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.



You will be directed to GoBusiness Licensing webpage which will require you to sign in using your SingPass or CorpPass.

The process may take around 15-20 minutes to complete.


Click 'Here' to Apply


Under the Arms and Explosives Act 1913, “explosive”  —


means gunpowder, nitro-glycerine, dynamite, gun-cotton, blasting powder, fulminate of mercury or of other metals, coloured fires and every other substance, whether similar to those abovementioned or not, used or manufactured with a view to producing a practical effect by explosion or a pyrotechnic effect;


includes fog signals, fireworks, fuses, rockets, percussion-caps, detonators, cartridges and ammunition of all descriptions, and every adaptation or preparation of an explosive as above defined; and


includes sand crackers, and any substance declared to be deemed an explosive by notification under section10(1)(a);


Types of Explosives Licence


Licence Name

Licensing Conditions

Criteria and Documents Required

Base Licence

(Supply) Dealing in Explosives

Click here

Click here


Manufacturing of Explosives

Click here

Storage of Explosives

Click here

Click here

Possession of Explosives  Click here  Click here 

Carrying out Blasting

Click here

Click here

Disposal of Explosives

Click here

Ad-hoc Licence

Importation, Exportation or Purchase of Explosives

Click here

Click here


Removal of Explosives

Click here

Click here



Licence Name


Base Licence

Dealing in Explosives

Explosives for non-blasting Purpose

$405 for a period of not more than 2 years

Explosives for Blasting Purpose

$1850 for a period of not more than 2 years

Manufacturing of Explosives

$1050 for a period of not more than 2 years

Possession of Explosives

$145 for a period of not more than 12 months

Storage of Explosives

$650 for a period of not more than 2 years

Carrying out Blasting

Conduct Disposal

$405 for a period of not more than 2 years

Ad-hoc Licence

Importation or Exportation of Explosives

$22 for a period of not more than 30 days / per consignment

Purchase of Explosives

$22 for a period of not more than 30 days / per consignment

Removal of Explosives

For Blasting Work

$22 for a period of not more than 30 days / per consignment

For Pyrotechnic Effects

$22 for a period of not more than 30 days / per consignment


Processing Time

About 3 weeks from the receipt of the application, processing fee and the necessary supporting documents, if required. Any incomplete or incorrect submission will be rejected.

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.


Click Here to Apply

You will be directed to GoBusiness webpage which will require you to sign in using your SingPass or CorpPass.

The process may take around 15-20 minutes to complete.



You can make the following amendments to your existing Explosives Licence:

  1. Add Particulars of New Employees Handling Explosives

  2. Delete or Replace Employees Handling Explosives

  3. Change of Contact Person

  4. Change of Director

  5. Change Name or Address of Company/Business

  6. Change Contact Details of Company/Licensee

Documents Required

You are required to obtain the following documents before amending your existing Explosives licence.

Information to be amended

Documents Required

1) Add Particulars of New Employees Handling Explosives

  • Competency certificate or training records of new employees
2) Delete or Replace Employees Handling Explosives


  • Competency certificate or training records of new employees
  • No document is required for deletion of employees
3) Change of Licensee

4) Change of Director

  • Company’s business profile from ACRA

5) Change Name or Address of Company/Business

  • Latest company business profile from ACRA

6) Change Contact Details of Company/Licensee

  • No document is required



No fee is required.


Processing Time

About 2 weeks from the receipt of the submission and the necessary documents, if required. Any incomplete or incorrect submission will be rejected.

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.



You will be directed to LicenceOne webpage which will require you to sign in using your SingPass or CorpPass.

The process will take around 15-20 minutes to complete.


 Click here to 'Amend Existing Licence'


You are permitted to terminate your existing Explosives Licence any time before its expiration.

Please be informed that there will be no refund upon termination of the existing Explosives licence.


Documents Required

If your licence has any approved storage premises and there is balance of any stock of explosives, you will need to dispose or export the stock before the licence can be terminated.

You will need to provide confirmation that you do not have any stock balance of explosives in the storage premises by submitting the following documents:

  1. Company letter to declare no stock balance; and

  2. Updated inventory record.

PLRD may inspect the storage premises to confirm that there is no stock balance before the termination of licence is approved.




No fee is required.


Processing Time

About 2 weeks from the submission of your Termination Request together with all supporting documents.

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.



You will be directed to LicenceOne webpage which will require you to sign in using your SingPass or CorpPass.

The process may take around 5 minutes to complete.



Click here to 'Terminate Existing Licence'


You can withdraw your applications for any Explosives licence any time before licence approval.

Please be informed that there will be no refund upon withdrawal of application.

If licence has been approved and issued, you will have to submit a request to terminate licence.


Documents Required

No document is required.




No fee is required.


Processing Time

Withdrawal of application is immediate. 

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.



You will be directed to LicenceOne webpage which will require you to sign in using your SingPass or CorpPass.

The process may take around 5 minutes to complete.


Click here to 'Withdraw'

List of Licensed Firework Companies 


(a)Explomo Corporation Pte Ltd;

(b)Glorious (S) Pte Ltd;

(c)Intermay Consultech Pte Ltd;

(d)Knights Synergy (S) Pte Ltd;

(e)Effects Technologies Pte Ltd; and

(f)SpectaWorks Pte Ltd


Download List



Under the Arms and Explosives Act 1913, “explosive precursor” means:

1.           Ammonium nitrate, or any mixture of components one of which is ammonium nitrate, but not including —

(a)          aqueous solutions containing less than 60%, weight in weight, of ammonium nitrate; or

(b)          any material in solid form comprising a mixture of components, one of which is ammonium nitrate, where the nitrogen content derived from ammonium nitrate is less than 28% by weight of the said mixture.

2.           Ammonium perchlorate.

3.           Barium nitrate, not including preparations and solutions containing less than 10%, weight in weight, of barium nitrate.

4.           Guanidine nitrate.

5.           Hydrogen peroxide, not including preparations and solutions containing not more than 20%, weight in weight, of hydrogen peroxide.

6.           Potassium chlorate.

7.           Potassium nitrate, not including preparations and solutions containing less than 5%, weight in weight, of potassium nitrate or a combination of both potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate.

8.           Potassium nitrite, not including aqueous solutions containing less than 5%, weight in weight, of potassium nitrite.

9.           Potassium perchlorate.

10.         Sodium chlorate.

11.         Sodium nitrate, not including preparations and solutions containing less than 5%, weight in weight, of sodium nitrate or a combination of both sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate.

12.         Sodium nitrite, not including aqueous solutions containing less than 5%, weight in weight, of sodium nitrite.

13.         Sodium perchlorate.

14.         Perchloric acid.

15.         Tetranitromethane.



Types of Explosives Precursors Licence


Licence Name

Licensing Conditions

Criteria and Documents Required

Base Licence

Possession or Control of Explosive Precursors

Click here

Click here


(Supply) Dealing in Explosives Precursors

Click here

Manufacturing of Explosives Precursors

Click here

Storage of Explosives Precursors

Click here

Ad-hoc Licence

Importation, Exportation or Purchase of Explosive Precursors

Click here

Click here

 Transportation of Bulk Explosive Precursors   Click here


Storage Guidelines

Safety and security guidelines for storage Click Here





Licence Name


Base Licence

Possession or Control of Explosive Precursors

$44 for a period of not more than 2 years

Dealing in Explosive Precursors

$285 for a period of not more than 2 years

Manufacturing of Explosive Precursors

$140 for a period of not more than 2 years

Storage of Explosive Precursors

$130 for a period of not more than 2 years

Replacement of Explosive Precursors Licence

$11 per replacement

Ad-hoc Licence

Importation, Exportation or Purchase of Explosive Precursors

$22 for a period of not more than 30 days / per consignment


Processing Time

About 3 weeks from the receipt of the application, processing fee and the necessary documents, if required. Any incomplete or incorrect submission will be rejected.

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.


Click Here to Apply

You will be directed to GoBusiness webpage which will require you to sign in using your SingPass or CorpPass.

The process may take around 15-20 minutes to complete.



You can make the following amendments to your existing Explosives Precursors licence:

  1. Add or Remove Explosive Precursors licence types

  2. Change Quantities of Explosive Precursors

  3. Change of Contact Person

  4. Change of Director

  5. Change Name or Address of Company/Business

  6. Change Contact Details of Company/Licensee

Documents Required

You are required to obtain the following documents before amending your existing Explosives Precursors licence.

Information to be amended

Documents Required

1) Add or Remove Explosive Precursors licence types


  • Company letter stating the reason and justification to add or remove Explosive Precursors licence type
  • Safety datasheets of new Explosive Precursors type to be added

2) Change Quantities of Explosive Precursors

  • Company letter stating the reason and justification to change quantities of Explosive Precursors type

3) Change of Licensee

4) Change of Director

  • Company business profile from ACRA listing 
5) Change Name or Address of Company/Business
  • Latest company business profile from ACRA
6) Change Contact Details of Company/Licensee
  • No document is required



No fee is required.


Processing Time

About 2 weeks from the receipt of the submission and the necessary documents, if required. Any incomplete or incorrect submission will be rejected.

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.



You will be directed to LicenceOne webpage which will require you to sign in using your SingPass or CorpPass.

The process will take around 15-20 minutes to complete.


Click here to 'Amend Existing Licence'


You are permitted to terminate your existing Explosives Precursors Licence any time before its expiration.

Please be informed that there will be no refund upon termination of the existing Explosives Precursors licence.


Documents Required

If your licence has any approved storage premises and there is balance of any stock of explosives precursors, you will need to dispose or export the stock before the licence can be terminated.

You will need to provide confirmation that you do not have any stock balance of explosives precursors in the storage premises by submitting the following documents:

  1. Company letter to declare no stock balance; and

  2. Updated inventory record.

PLRD may inspect the storage premises to confirm that there is no stock balance before the termination of licence is approved.



No fee is required.


Processing Time

About 2 weeks from the submission of your Termination Request together with all supporting documents.

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.



You will be directed to LicenceOne webpage which will require you to sign in using your SingPass or CorpPass.

The process may take around 5 minutes to complete.


Click here to 'Terminate Existing Licence'


You can withdraw your application for any Explosives Precursors licence any time before licence approval.

Please be informed that there will be no refund upon withdrawal of application.



Documents Required

No document is required.




No fee is required.


Processing Time

Withdrawal of application is immediate. 

You will be notified of the outcome via email or post. Alternatively, you can login to GoBusiness to view your application status.



You will be directed to GoBusiness webpage which will require you to sign in using your SingPass or CorpPass.

The process may take around 5 minutes to complete.


Click here to 'Withdraw' 

Dear Customers.


              With effect from 1 August 2021, members of the public who wish to utilise counter services at the Police Licensing & Regulatory Department, Police Cantonment Complex (391 New Bridge Road) would be required to make an appointment in advance.


2.           To register for an appointment, please use the following link at


3.           Upon successful registration, members of the public will receive a notification with details of the scheduled appointments.


4.           Thank you.


The information on this page shows additional information related to Arms & Explosives licence.

To Apply for a Licence, please click here to proceed to GoBusiness Website. An individual SingPass or a Company SingPass is required for login.







Information on Controlled and Prohibited Items 

Please click here for the list of controlled and prohibited items and common non-regulated weapons.






Subjected to assessment

Not allowed






Not applicable


Do not require licence or approval

Licence, approval or authorisation is required

Not applicable


Unlawful possession of such non-regulated weapons in any public place without any lawful purpose may constitute to an offence of Possession of Offensive Weapon or Scheduled Weapon under the Corrosive and Explosives Substances and Offensive Weapons Act.

Anyone who import, export or is found in possession of such controlled items without any licence, approval or authorisation may be liable for offences under the respective legislations which the items are regulated under.

Anyone who import, export or is found in possession of such prohibited items may be liable for offences under the respective legislations which the items are regulated under.

Example of Offence

A person is found in a public place with a knife and is unable to provide a lawful purpose for the possession.

He may be liable for an offence under the Corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Act.

A person was detected at the checkpoint trying to import an airsoft gun. He does not have a licence to import the airsoft gun which is a controlled item.

He may be liable for an offence under the Arms and Explosives Act.

A person was found with firecrackers which are prohibited under the Dangerous Fireworks Act.

He may be liable for an offence under the Dangerous Fireworks Act.


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